Thursday, May 14, 2015

21 Day Fix

Here is a brief description of the 21 Day Fix program from Beach Body for anyone who is not familiar with the program.

Let me just start off by saying that I am normally not the type of person who is going to buy a product from a late night info-mercial. In fact, I had not even seen the info-mercial for the 21 Day Fix when I purchased the program. I actually heard about it from a woman in a fitness Facebook group and decided to look it up on Google. When I decided to conduct the search I was already skeptical. I'm not someone who is interested in fad diets, quick fixes, pills, or supplements, simply because they don't work! To my surprise, the 21 Day Fix was none of those things!

The 21 Day Fix is a program that helps re-teach portion control using color coded containers, a good carbohydrate to protein ratio for your body personally, and a clean eating plan that consists of normal food you can find in a real grocery store that will not cost you an arm and a leg. There are no pills or crazy ingredients needed here. Some 21 Day Fixers do use Shakeology, but it is totally optional. Personally, I tend not to like protein shakes so I could not justify spending the money on Shakeology. Either way, you will lose if you follow the rest of the program.

When I received my 21 Day Fix in the mail, I started off by reading the book. There is an equation within the first couple pages that helped me figure out how many calories and portions of each container I should consume in one day. This is another aspect of the 21 Day Fix that I love. It is completely personalized for your current weight. Autumn Calabrese, the creator of the 21 Day Fix, understood that weight loss is not some cookie cutter thing. One method is not going to work for everyone! I am currently in the highest calorie bracket which suggests 6 purple (fruit), 4 red (protein), 6 green (veggies), 3 yellow (carbohydrates), 1 blue (healthy fat), and 2 orange (other fats) per day. Believe it or not this is actually a ton of food! I seriously have trouble getting all of my containers in most days. One thing is for sure... I never go hungry.

The fitness portion of this program consists of workouts spread across two DVD's that come with the 21 Day Fix program. Each workout has a different focus and lasts approximately 30 minutes. There is Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Yoga Fix, Pilates Fix, and Dirty 30. If you are a plus size individual, such as myself, each workout also contains modifiers to help you get through the workouts even if you cannot physically perform all of the moves right away.

I am in no way a 21 Day Fix expert, but if the sounds like a program that could work for you then follow this link to learn more.

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